Business Systems services all of Santa Barbara County for Records Management.
Management Software Systems will save filing labor, file searching time, prevent
files from vanishing, keep items secure from unauthorized eyes, automate file
creation, allow for searching, requesting, reserving checked out items, automated
on demand label printing, archiving from automated retention schedules, desk audits,
take inventory, map out shelf locations, set up trailing document checklists,
file destruction and many more features which all help to reduce costs. When implemented
correctly, you will know exactly where your records are at all times before wasting
valuable time and money searching for files.
Imaging solutions often are not true 100% paperless systems, rather they are a
hybrid approach to records management. This means the software manages numerous
types of information in a single application, from active paper documents stored
in local file rooms, off site records center storage or documents converted to
digital images.